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Season-long insect control

Outstanding control of home lawn and garden pests just got even easier thanks to ACELEPRYN® GR 

ACELEPRYN® GR insecticide provides unmatched, season-long insect control in a single application. It is now available in a convenient and flexible granule formulation –

ACELEPRYN® GR. The length of insect control means your client’s home lawns, gardens and pot plants will be protected for longer and the new no-spray option means it is easy to use with minimal disruption to those around you when you.

ACELEPRYN® GR controls a wide range of insect pests, including African Black Beetle, Argentinian Scarab, New Zealand grass grub, Crane Fly larvae, Billbugs and several species of caterpillars, including Porina, Cutworm, Sod Webworm and Lawn Armyworm.

Available in 10kg bags and 4kg buckets, ACELEPRYN® GR sets a new standard in long-lasting, efficient control of damaging lawn and garden insects.

The granule formulation offers landscapers the following benefits to pass onto their clients: 

  • Up to six months’ protection against pests. 

  • Ease of use with no re-entry periods, meaning it can be applied knowing your client’s pets and kids can play on the treated area straight afterwards. 

  • High turf and plant safety – you won’t burn the leaves. 

  • Low environmental impact. 

In addition, ACELEPRYN® GR delivers:  

A flexible option for tight or difficult to access areas around home lawns and gardens. 

Ease of use without messy spray equipment, requiring minimal PPE (Personal Protection Equipment). 

Ease of activation with irrigation – product starts to work once washed in via rainfall or irrigation. 

ACELEPRYN® GR is easy to use and can be spread in any handheld spreader.

How to use

For optimal control, irrigate with approximately 6mm of water immediately after application. Where treating for caterpillars, irrigation and mowing should be delayed for 24 hours. 

For more information visit or contact your local Syngenta agent.

Season-long control of up to six months can be achieved using the higher application rates*

African Black Beetle / Argentinian Scarab      

ACELEPRYN® GR may be applied from spring onwards for preventative control of these pests. 

Argentine Stem Weevil / Billbug 

ACALEPRYN® GR should be applied when overwintered adults are first observed to prevent damage in late spring. 

Tasmanian grass grub / New Zealand grass grub / Crane Fly larvae 

Apply before or at peak egg hatch. 

Caterpillars including Porina 

ACALEPRYN® GR will provide excellent curative control in turfgrass and should be applied when pests/damage is observed. 

For Porina control, best time to apply is late January to early February in a preventative manner, otherwise excellent curative control can be achieved when damaged is observed. 

*See full label for details. Syngenta Crop Protection Limited, 60 Parnell Rd, Parnell. AUCKLAND 1010. Phone: (09) 306 1500 Fax: (09) 306 1501, ®Registered trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. ™Trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. All products written in uppercase are registered trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. ©Syngenta 2024. PLEASE READ THE LABEL COMPLETELY BEFORE USE. ACELEPRYN® GR approved pursuant to the HSNO Act 1996, Approval Code HSR101517. SB 23-381.


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