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Advertise with NZ Landscaper Magazine

NZ Landscaper Magazine examples

NZ Landscaper Magazine is the only publication tailored specifically to the landscaping industry and provides a unique opportunity to reach this growing audience.

Multi-channel Distribution!

Officially endorsed by Registered Master Landscapers, 3,500 copies of the bi-monthly publication are printed and distributed to professional landscapers nationwide through a variety of distribution partners, including Registered Master Landscapers and 62 PlaceMakers branches.

Each new issue is published electronically at the same time the print edition is available. In addition, the digital Article Archive provides a quick and easy way for our audience to review current and previous content.

For advertisers, this will mean greater exposure through wider circulation of the magazine. As we evolve our digital content, we anticipate more opportunities for advertising and promotion.

NZ Landscaper Magazine is also available on the global publication network Press Reader. Press Reader is available to all of the platform's subscribers which includes all New Zealand libraries.

Contact us today to reach this rapidly growing segment!


Phone: 027 826 0006

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